Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Honduras Day 16: Free Day in La Ceiba

    Today was the first day in awhile that too much wasn't really going on. We got a whole free day at the resort and the beach. I got to sleep in, which was only about 8 o'clock Honduran time, so really that much. I'm just really used to getting up early here. The first thing we wanted to do was Kayak. Because this is an all inclusive resort, basically anything you want to do here is free. They have Kayaks for you to rent and use, so the seven us ended up doing it. A little fact about me is that I am absolutely terrified of fish and the unknown in the ocean, so for me to even attempt kayaking in the ocean is a big thing for me. I hoped on this kayak and started to paddle. I told myself to not look back just keep going to catch up with the other people. So that's exactly what I did. Until I got really far out and looked back. At first, I didn't even realize how far out I was. I just instantly gook out my camera for a photo of the mountains and hotel in the back. After that, I swiftly made my way to the shore and basically had a panic attack on the way back.
   For the rest of the day it was basically just sitting out, reading our articles for class, and laying in the hammocks by the ocean. There really wasn't much going on until 5 o'clock when we had our last class to reflect on the trip and talk about the huge article we read. Something I kind of thought about during our class discussion was how in the states, we judge people so hard core on whether or not the student's parents can make parent teacher conferences or volunteer at the school. If they can't, then we judge so badly about them, accusing them of being bad parents. However, in Honduras, if you don't do those things, they don't look down upon you. They know that you have tons of work just to get your student to go to school, so they don't judge the parents at all. I don't know, just something I thought about while we discussed this evening. After class, it was dinner and then back at the bar where I ended up taking 3 shots and had a pina colada. Man, that's my limit right there. It was another fun night of chilling out and singing karaoke at the disco room. Tomorrows our last day here in Honduras. I'm going to make the best of it!

"I know it's 5 in the morning, not sure who I'm callin',

You haven't heard from me in some time,

Girl I hope you want me, when you hear me talkin',

You know I've been out, is it ok I stop by?"

"Drunk in the Morning" By Lukas Graham

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