Saturday, May 21, 2016

Honduras Day 6: Yuscarán.

     Today is the weekend!!! Woohoo! It's really nice to be able to get a break on the weekend. I love the kids so much that I actually missed being with them today. It's weird, I've been here for one week and I feel like these students are my own. I'm just so comfortable with them. They are some of the sweetest and passionate people I have ever met and they inspire me every single day. It was nice to get the weekend though to be able to explore around and take a break from teaching the classes. 
     Today, I woke up at 7:30. Honduras is 2 hours behind Indiana time, so technically 9:30 Indiana time; which is still really early for me. However, we have been getting up at 5:30 everyday (Honduras time) to go to school. The wifi was down last night and till 11:30 this morning so we basically just watched Spanish TV. It wasn't that bad. It's actually pretty amusing in Spanish. We also went down to the convenient store on campus so eat some breakfast and chill outside under the tiki. I once again had a Baleada (flour tortilla, beans, and sour cream). As always, it was amazing. As we sat under the tiki, we all had such an awesome time. We had such a good talk about politics in schools and mental diseases that we could see in our classrooms, and how different Hondurans are. They are the most friendly people with a passion for almost everything that they do. You can't just see this passion, but it's in there eyes. The first thing I noticed about Hondurans are there eyes. This dark brown that matches there hair. You see the determination, drive and passion right beneath them. It's really not even something that I can explain. They are just beautiful.
       Our wifi eventually came back on, which was good just so that we can communicate with people back home. I was supposed to Skype my parents last night but the wifi crashed and I couldn't even get ahold of them that the wifi went out until the it came back on. At 12:30 the principal where we have been doing our teaching invited us over for some real Honduran tacos. Man are they different and SO GOOD! It's like a fried tortilla with a chicken mixture on the inside. Then you top it with cabbage, a mild taco sauce, some goat cheese. If you want it a little more spicy, you can add this sauce that the order from Mexico. I had a little bit, and let me tell you, a little can go a LONG way. Haha. The principal is so awesome. She is so sweet for letting us come eat at her place. Her place was absolutely gorgeous. It was on the campus where we are staying and didn't look too different from our small houses back home. It was just one story, but very cute. 
      The principal and her two kids then took us to a historical town in Honduras called Yuscarán. This place was super pretty. It was a little town that was lined with cobble stones and such pretty views. Each house or store's building was a different color; usually a bright color like orange or aqua blue. Obviously in Honduras, all of the cities we visit may be a little more run down than cities in Indiana, but I really liked this city. We pretty much just walked around and took pictures as well as saw the scenery. We bought some Honduran Mangos while we were there and they were so delicious! These mangos were a little more stringy than most but some of the sweetest and most flavorful mangos I've had. Another thing we tried while we were there was this thing called "Chatta Moosca's." I'm pretty sure that's not even close to how you spell it but it's basically frozen strawberry milk in a bag. It wasn't my favorite thing, but it was alright. I probably wouldn't buy it again though. I'm just not a fan of milk. A lot of Hondurans drink out of a plastic bag. They just rip the tip of the bag off with there teeth and drink it.  Something really sad I noticed in this town was how many stray dogs there were. A lot of them were so skinny and were pretty scared of humans. It broke my heart and I really just wanted to take them home with me. Makes me miss my lil baby at home too. The city was really fun and I had a blast getting to know the principal and her two kids as well. 
        When we got back to Zomorano, we didn't do too much. We chilled out. I played frisbee outside with my two professors which was really fun because I haven't seen them too much on this trip. They were really funny. I also learned how to throw a frisbee, which is so much more difficult then I thought. At the end though, I began to get the hang of it. At 6, a couple of Honduran boys asked us to come hang out and barbecue with them. About 6 guys barbecued up some steak and brots. We hadn't had much meat besides chicken so it tasted pretty good. We also ate fried plantains and GUESS WHAT , ANOTHER BALEADA!! I just can't get over how good they are! I think I may be sick of them by the end of the trip though. The Honduran guys were really fun. We all felt so comfortable with them and we all really joked around. It felt as though we were already friends, which is the best feeling. I learned how to do the cup song and they even brought out a guitar, which I happily stole for like an hour. I haven't played or sang for a week so I really missed it. We stayed out till about 10 because 11 is all of Zomorano's curfew time. The have curfews here (11 on weekends and 10 on week nights). Today was really fun and I'm happy I got to see a new place and meet some new people. So far this trip is just amazing. I am so blessed to be here right now and I'm so blessed to have parents that push me to do these kinds of things. Being in a 3rd world country is something that I recommend everyone to do. The one reason I came here was for experience. As a teacher, you need to be able to experience as much as you can for your students. If I came in to teach seeing only one perspective (being a majority) then I am missing a completley different half of my students (the minority). I will have students that come to my class and may not speak english. Knowing how that feels will only better me as an educator. I don't want any of my students going through anything alone and that's why I want to experience as many things as I can. 
                                 (All Photos Are From Yuscarán).

"Strength and guidance, all I'm wishing for my friends,

Nobody makes it from my ends, I had to bust up the silence,

You know you gotta stick by me, Soon as you see the text, reply me,

I don't wanna spend time fighting, We've got no time."

"One Dance" By Drake

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