Sunday, May 22, 2016

Honduras Day 7: Valle De Angeles

      Today was so freaking amazing! The thing that was amazing was being able to tour around Honduras for the last time today in the major cities. I love going to different places here and just being able to experience so much life and culture. This morning, we all had to leave at 10 for Valle De Angeles. This city is one of the safest places in Tegucigalpa. It's a little town that has tons of tiny, run down shops. It's basically the place where people shop for their gifts. It's a the best shopping place on the trip, so of course I was going to do a little shopping (:
      Before arriving at Valle, we stopped at a restaurant close by to eat. This was such a cool restaurant. I had a memory of my trip to Mexico while I was there because of lady making homemade tortillas in the corner (we also saw this on my family vacation to Mexico when I was 12). The cool thing this restaurant was that we got to participate in cooking the tortillas. They gave us the dough already made and we had to flatten it with a tool and throw it on the fire. As you can see from the picture on the right, it was a lot more difficult than expected. Haha. It was so thin that when I threw it on the stove, it just completely tore. It was still really fun, and when I tried again, I did a lot better. The leader of this study abroad program from in Honduras ended up ordering our food as a group. It was just a bunch of rice, beans, avocados. queso, our homemade tortillas that we made our self, and like three different types of meat. My dad would have loved the sausage there. It reminded me of him. The food was super delicious and we ate so much of it.

       After eating was when we drove to Valle de Angeles and began our shopping. Man do I love shopping. Except this trip wasn't for me. This trip really has showed me the love I have from back home. My family and friends. Obviously I can't get everyone something, but I made it a priority to get each one of my family members something. I love them so much and I want them to be able to have a little bit of an experience from me with them to show them the love that I have for them. I also love giving gifts for people. I can barely wait to give them them. The shops were really cute. They were a bunch of different colored buildings with cobble stoned pavement and a giant park and church in the middle of the city. It was absolutely beautiful. I can't say what I got my mom on here because she is the one who reads my blogs, but I can say that she will love it and it's one of my favorite things that I got today. My dad's birthday was today and I obviously wasn't there to be able to celebrate. I have never missed my dad's birthday so it was a little sad because I wanted to be with him, but I know he is really happy for me that I am down here. Since it was his birthday, I ended up getting him a homemade hammock that one of the people in the store made. Many people were selling hammocks at almost every store you went into today, but the reason I got him this one was because of the story. There was one lone stand (not even a shop) and this guy had many hammocks, but he wasn't getting much customers. I figured by helping that guy, he could at least get a couple bucks tonight. I also love the bright colors of it. I was searching for Alec (my oldest brother), but he is extremely difficult to shop for so I am still working on getting him something. I got him a ceramic shot glass with the city of Honduras on it. I as well got my dad one, except his is wooden and carved. As I was walking through a t-shirt type shop, I noticed a jersey section. My other older brother, Brady, loves soccer and he collects tons of different soccer jerseys. I knew he didn't have a Honduras one and so I got him a jersey. I also got him some Bon Bons because you can't get them in the states. Those are the gifts I got today and all I need to finish up is a gift for Alec. The only thing I am looking for here is a journal and a headband. I don't want much. This whole trip is enough for me. I've seen that I really don't need anything extra. Why would I need anything more?
       After spending almost the whole day at Valle De Angeles, we then went back to the middle of Tegucigalpa and spent some time at the city mall. There really wasn't too much that I cared for there. I really don't see the point of going to the mall just to buy extra right now. It's not fair and it doesn't feel right. I've witnessed so many people with nothing that I just can't buy those things right now. I don't need it. We spent about 2 hours there and then came back to Zomorano. Tomorrow we have class and I still have 6 chapters to read and a reflection to write. Not to mention a lesson to plan. So wish me luck!

"It's a big, big world, but we thought we were bigger,

Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker,

By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor,

Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure."

"7 Years" By Lukas Graham

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