Monday, May 9, 2016


          These past couple weeks have been absolutely crazy!! It feels like second semester just flew by. Finals week kept me really busy studying for Human Development and Sociology. I'm just happy to be done... I ended the year with an A, B, B, C, C. Not as well as I wanted to do but, none the less, I finished. I am officially done with my Freshman year of college. As I moved out last Friday, I had really mixed emotions. I was happy that I was finally able to catch a break from all the school work, that I can finally work on my sketchbook and strengthen my creativity that I have been longing to do all year, I'm excited for new summer adventures and what next school year will bring, but I was also sad because I love my floor community and I don't want to ever leave them. One of my bestest friends is graduating and getting married, which is mixed emotions in itself, seeing her change in such amazing ways! I honestly don't even know how I will get through next year without her. I also had to leave behind Earhart 287 west (my room), that is filled with SO many memories and now left for someone else to make memories in. It's a sad moment. It just all makes me see how much time just flies when you're having the time of your life. I don't regret going to Purdue at all and it has seriously changed me and everyone around me in the most amazing ways. 
         Something really exciting for me happened today that I have been waiting for for almost 7 months! I FINISHED ACCUTANE!!! For anyone who doesn't know, Mayo put me on Accutane for the last 6-7 months for my chest to hopefully get rid of the infections in my sternum. While this pill is great for many people, mine was used for a different purpose and has also had many side effects on me. It's gotten so bad to where I've had to visit hospitals several times throughout the course of the 7 months. I've had an average of 3 nosebleeds a day, my hands have gotten to the point where it was all covered in severe eczema, most of my skin has turned to the point where I look sunburned, and it has caused me not to partake in some things. This has been an ongoing struggle that I have been dealing with for a while now and there were so many times where I just wanted to give up and just quit. However, my family (specifically my mom) and my family at Purdue didn't stop believing in me and really got me through it. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to do it. So I thank them so much for that. Even though this crazy ride that I have been on for 6 years has been exhausting and painful at times, I know it has made me stronger than I would ever be if not for this horrible disease. It's taught me resilience, humility, vulnerability, dependence, and most of all to laugh through the worst times. God has shown me amazing things through this journey.
         Now that summer is here, It seems to be a pretty busy summer for me. I will be working at Goddard Preschool, which is where I worked at last summer. I'm trying to earn as much money as possible on days that I am free so that I can make up for money that I am not making during the school year. On July 27, I have a Mayo appointment in Rochester, MN for a checkup on my medicine and my sternum. It can go two ways. If I got without any infections by the time I get to Mayo, then we can discuss the process of reconstruction surgery. But if I do get infections and it goes back to the way it was before, I may have to do round two or go for a different option of treatment. I would really appreciate prayers as this is my next step in trying to become healthier and live life to it's fullest. Something else I will be doing this summer is seeing my bestie graduate as well as get married. I am so extremely proud of her and all she has been able to accomplish. Me and a couple of my friends from Purdue are going down to Pennsylvania, where she is getting married, and doing a week long of events. I'm so excited to witness this amazing goal in her life as well as travel with some amazing people. 
         Lastly, the last thing I wanted to talk about was Honduras. I've mentioned before that I am going to Honduras for a study abroad this maymester for Purdue's College of Education. I am SOOOOO happy to say that I am leaving a week from today (the 16) for Honduras where I will be staying there until June 2nd, teaching at city and rural schools as well as traveling around Honduras. I am so excited to see the culture of Honduras and really be in for an awakening. I believe God has really played a huge role in this and has been pushing me to go outside of my comfort zone and experience new things. As I am in Honduras, I will not be using social media besides posting a blog post each night I'm there and copying the URL on Facebook. If you want to keep informed and see what I'm doing, experiences/memories I'm making, and things that I am learning while I'm down there, you know where to find it(: Please keep me in your prayers for safe travels and new adventures!! I hope everyone has a wonderful summer!!!

"How many nights does it take to count the stars,

That's the time it would take to fix my heart,

Oh baby I was there for you, all I ever wanted was the truth,

How many nights have you wished someone would stay,

Lie awake only hoping they're ok, I never counted all of mine,

If I tried I know it would feel like infinity."

"Infinity" by One Direction

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