Monday, May 30, 2016

Honduras Day 15: Arrived in La Ceiba!

      Today was again another long day of traveling. We left Copán at around 7a.m. It took us about 8 hours total to drive to La Ceiiba, our last destination before we fly home on Thursday. On the way there, the roads were super windy. It wasn't all dirt roads though this time, it was cement, but there were tons of speed bumps that we had to slow down for, which after 8 hours, got SUPER annoying. We stopped in San Pedro on the way there (that's where we will be flying out of) and got some snacks. On the way out of San Pedro, we were driving and we came to a stop because we heard an ambulance. I looked to my right out the window and saw, no joke, a dead guy. I'd never seen a dead guy in my life. This guy was just laying dead up these stairs. His chest wasn't going up and down and it just looked like he had no life left in him. The ambulance men got out while we were still sitting in the bus, and after a while began to put a sheet over him. I didn't know this guy, but it made me super sad to say the least. I don't know how he died or what happened, but I've been praying for his family and him all day, so if you could pray for him too, I'd really appreciate it. 
        Eventually, we got to the resort. This resort is basically away from everything. it's like its own separate thing. It's got 2 huge swimming pools, one with a volleyball net and one with some water polo goals. It kind of reminded me of when I traveled to Mexico when I was younger. There are HUGE decks with tiki hut roofs and gorgeous wood. To top it off, we are right on the Caribbean Ocean. The water is pretty clear, but didn't strike me as too much clearer than the Pacific Ocean. This hotel is an all inclusive hotel. We get food for free and drinks for free. Which is awesome!!! I can't go overload on the acoholic drinks though. Since I just got off of Accutane, I need to be careful because my liver enzymes are probably still elevated. I did have two drinks today though. I had a Screwdriver (orange juice and Vodka) and then a Strawberry Daiquiri. They were both really good. However, I am not going over two a day at the most. 
          When we got to the Resort, we went straight for lunch since we were starving from being on the bus all morning. After eating, we then went swimming. I just laid out today (No mom, I didn't get sunburned) and just kind of chilled out. It's way hotter, if even possible, here than in any other place in Honduras we have been in. It is SOO hot and humid. Any who, we laid out and played in the ocean for awhile. We saw our two professors on the beach and they asked us if we wanted to play Human Fuse ball. Of course we said yes!! It was one of the best games. It's on the beach with these poles and you have to hold on to your pole with your teams color the whole time while trying to keep the ball out of the goal. It was awesome, and my team won (: We hung out until it was time for dinner and then ate dinner. The food is still Honduran food here. Not too bad, just not hungry for Honduran food anymore, haha.
         After dinner, we went to our rooms to work on this paper we had due by midnight tonight. We had to get that done, so we finished that before anything else. Later, we went back to the bar area and chilled out. We heard music from upstairs and went to go check it out and it ended up being karaoke. OMG IT WAS AWESOME! The minute someone asked if anyone could sing, all my friends pointed to me and forced me to sing. So I sang "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber. I love singing and performing, so for me it was amazing. Then we played the cliche karaoke songs and the Hondurans played there cliche Honduran songs. It was really nice and the Hondurans taught us how to do dances. It was like a karaoke and dance thing. We found out that most of the Hondurans here are on a Spanish TV Show that is kind of like Survivor. So we talked to a ton of them, which was pretty cool. It's off season here at the Resort so there aren't tons of people. You basically know who is on vacation and who is on the TV show. It's pretty cool though. Tonight was super fun! I'm ready to relax for the next two days and then fly home to see my family!

"Thank you in advance, I don't wanna dance,

I don't need your hands all over me,

If I want a man, then I'mma get a man,

But it's never my priority,

I was in my zone, before you came along,

Don't want you to take this personal."

"No" By Meghan Trainor

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