Sunday, March 1, 2015


                  Today in general, I’ve been thinking about happiness a lot. It’s something we all strive to have, but in reality, if you don’t TRY to be happy, you won’t be happy. So while I’m thinking a lot about this idea of what happiness really is and how it’s different for everyone, I thought back to a question an old teacher of mine asked once. She asked me what MY pursuit of happiness was, not what everyone else thought it was. At the time she asked me, I didn’t really know. I made up some story of getting a nice paying job and living in paradise somewhere. She also asked me what one moment or event in life has made me reach my pursuit of happiness and I also couldn’t answer that question.
                  But now as I’m thinking back on these two questions, I feel like I finally have an answer. The pursuit of happiness isn’t defined by a moment or achieving one thing. Sure, I could have a nice paying job and live in paradise somewhere, but at the end of the day, am I really happy? I think the pursuit of happiness is an ongoing cycle. It never ends. You’re always going to want more and sometimes life can take you 3 steps forward and push you 9 steps back. That’s just how life is. Everything is just uncertain these days. Nobody can define the pursuit of happiness. The one thing I know for a fact, is that you’ll never come close to reaching it if you don’t try.   

“Well don’t act like you haven’t been there,

seven A.M. with the bed head,

Everybody knows it’s the walkashame,

My daddy knows I’m a good girl,

We all make mistakes in the drunk world,

Everyone here’s done the walkashame.”

“Walkashame” by Meghan Trainor

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