Sunday, March 15, 2015

Teacher Inspiration

       So latley, i'm not sure why but I just haven't been in a very good mood. My mind has just been constantly thinking about everything that's happened, what's going to happen, and i've been having trouble trusting people in general. So that makes school difficult for me when I can't even trust my own teachers besides like 3. The need to do things to myself has kind of been on my mind lately too so it scares me and I try and fight of the urge, but you know, it's difficult. Just a lot is on my plate right now and I'm having some trouble with myself and in school. I can't even focus in school right now. 
       However, today I watched one of the coolest videos that a teacher at my school made. It was this trip that she took during the summer to go and help kids who are far behind in school. It was one of the coolest things I have watched. Latley, at least since something went down at my school, when I think of teachers I just think of someone who acts like they care but really they are just teaching us and don't care about how they make us feel or whether we pass or not. But seeing this video gives me hope and appreciation that at least I know that someone cares about there students and would do anything for them. I'm so happy that I get the chance to have her as a teacher and now it makes me want to know more and do more for people. 
        This teacher has inspired me to do the things that I want to do with no questions asked. I bet she never thought that she would be traveling to help other people. That's exactly what I want to do. I want to travel and help other people with mental illness. I want people to know that they aren't alone and that getting help sometimes isn't a bad thing. Or that if people are thinking about self harming, to not do it because it honestly never goes away. I have been on the road to recovery since October and yes I've messed up but as long as your making progress, your heading in the right direction. I'm not perfect and I'm not going to act like I am, but I know that this teacher has given me confidence to try and work a little harder at getting better in my recovery and also to help as many people as I can. So thanks to that teacher (: lol PEACE

"In the darkest night hour, I'll search through the crowd,

Your face is all that I see, I'll give you everything, 

baby love me lights out."

"XO" by John Mayer (cover---originally sang by Beyonce).

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