Tuesday, February 17, 2015

WE are society

       Today I was thinking a lot about how society has made this topic of cutting and depression and anything people go through are such a bad things to talk about. At least, I know I have always thought that sharing what your feeling is a bad thing. To not cry, to not show weakness, to be independent. But why? Why is this stuff frowned upon to talk about? Sometimes we have to question ourselves. And as I thought about it a little more I realized that we are blaming society for so many things. I mean yes, society has a huge part in what you should/shouldn’t talk about, how to dress, who to look up to, ect. but WE are society. We blame society, but we are society. So it made me think, that since I am part of society, maybe I can start this way of talking about what people are going through and get the talking and thinking going. If we want to start conversation, we have to do it ourselves.

“People help the people,

if your homesick give me your hand and I’ll hold it,

people help the people,

and nothing will drag you down,

oh and if I had a brain.”

"People help the people" Birdy

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