Sunday, February 22, 2015

What's to come

            I’m a lot happier then I have ever been recently. I’m finally happy with my friends and a lot of stuff is falling into place for me. I get a huge opportunity to go talk to 8th , 7th, and 6th graders about facing hardships and how to deal with all these pressures going on at our middle school. I’m a little nervous about doing it though, because I don’t want them to feel like they are being lectured, I want them to feel like I’m a friend trying to talk to them because in high school your always being lectured and told what to do and what not to do and if it sounds more like a friend talking to them, then it’s more likely they will listen and grasp this extremely difficult topic.
             As well as talking with the middle schoolers, I am going to be on a discussion panel with some amazing and inspiring people on March 2nd. It’s part of an organization called Peyton’s Foundation and it hits really close to home and I feel myself getting closer and closer to Peyton every day as I read more about her as well as working on all these upcoming projects. Im nervous getting up there and answering questions because I don’t want to answer wrong. I know things only based on my experience because everyone’s experience with these problems is different. So I just have to be truthful and hope that somehow it helps someone. If I can help one person, I will have accomplished my goal.
            It’s weird, this blog is starting to grow on me. I wasn’t that fond of the idea of putting my feelings and problems on the internet, but it’s become something that I go to when I feel the need to talk about things. It has really helped me lately. It’s made me feel responsible for my actions and think before I do anything. So yeah, I guess I am happy I made this blog (:

“And I got that red lip classic thing that you like

And when we go crashing down we come back every time,

Cause we never go out of style,

We never go out of style.”

“Style” by Taylor Swift

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