Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A New Confidence

       Today I faced one of my biggest fears. I talked to 2 eighth grade, 2 seventh grade, and 2 sixth grade classes about the issues that I have had to face ever since 7th grade. I was so nervous, I was shaking when I was about to begin talking to them. However, once I started talking, it surprisingly became really easy to talk to all these people. Which is weird, I never thought that this would be even remotely close to being easy to talk about with people for me. I think it’s because I’ve always tried so hard to hide all these issues and so now, when I finally had the chance to help others and get the word out there, it all just spilled out of me. And it went really well!!!
       I talked to them about my experiences, choosing positive people to surround yourself with, focusing on their dislikes rather than their likes, and even the importance of setting goals. So it was kind of ironic talking about this stuff because today I achieved one of MY goals that I had been setting out to achieve for a little while now. I have a new set of confidence today that I didn’t have yesterday or before this experience. I met some amazing people, all of which I wish I could give a big hug and tell them that it will be ohkay. They were all amazing and inspiring people and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world. I’m blessed beyond what words can express (:

“Run run lost boy, they say to me,

Away from all of reality,

Neverland is home to lost boys like me,

And lost boys like me are free.”

“Lost Boy” by Ruth B

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