Tuesday, September 1, 2015

All Moved In

       These 2 weeks have been extremely busy. I finally moved in to Purdue University on August 17th. WOOOOOO!!! I am officially a college student and I couldn’t been more happier! I was pretty nervous first coming here and getting situated, but once I got here, I didn’t have time to worry or miss home or any of the normal stuff. My roommate moved in Tuesday the next day and I couldn’t be happier with her as my roommate. She is super fun and hilarious and we just click really nicely. That was one of the things I was most nervous about because I did random roomating but it turned out perfectly. Then the whole rest of the week and weekend we had BGR (Boiler Gold Rush).
       Boiler gold rush was probably one of the best things I have experienced. We all got a team that was formed through the supervisors and my group was about 13 or 14 people all of who I have never met before and they were all soooo different from me. We had all the different cliques of high school in one group. So at the beginning, I was a little leary about it. I didn’t know if it was possible for ALL of us to become friends. I really liked our team leader though. He was really cool and he just kind of blended in with us and didn’t really act as our authority but as a friend. He goofed around just as much as we did. The second day of BGR we ended up getting a “buddy group” which was full of international students. So then that put the question in my head even more if we were all going to click. But that didn’t stay in my head for long, by the next day, it was as if had all been best friends for years. It was weird. Somehow we all just fit in and told stories that you would tell your best friends.
       The acitivities we ended up doing were also really cool. We went to a huge party with a DJ on the top of Slater Hill and it was just a huge social event with dancing and bounce houses. We had an event like this almost every night. We did opening ceremonies, and success sessions, a fountain run where you run a mile through all the fountains on campus. We did a traditions walk where we got to see the “whisper hall,” the “hello trail,” Armstrongs footprints on the moon engraved into the grass, this clapping circle, etc. We went to a Meijer Run at like 11 oclock which was probably the most hectic thing I have ever done. It was worse than black Friday shopping!!! We had the famous David Coleman come in and do a “Dating Doctor” act. One of my favorites parties thrown during BGR was Purdue After Dark. At around 8 oclock, we all went down to where the corec is and there was a DJ, Karaoke, Rock climbing, anything you could think of. And lastly, my favorite part of BGR was when we had a hypnotist come in. I honestly can’t even explain what happened during the whole thing, it was just something you had to be there for. Needless to say though, It was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen and I want to go to another hypnotist show very soon! THEY ARE HILARIOUS. Anywho, BGR ended, and it was very sad because I met some of the most amazing people and I wouldn’t have wanted our group to have anyone else in it. I love those people and we will keep in touch wayyyy after. But now it was start to begin what we came here for: school.
       Next week was the start of school and I was excited but really nervous to get a routine set and to see how hard my classes will be. After being a week and a half in, I can tell you that it is very time consuming, doing homework and lectures, but I feel pretty confident about my classes. My professors seem pretty relaxed and cool for the most part. My schedules is also really nice because I start out Monday at 10:30, all classes being 50 minutes, and I’m done at 1:30. I go to Intro to Educational Technology lecture, then Math, then Intro to family processes. Tuesday I am lucky enough to not have classes right now. However, I eventually will around my fourth week because I will get to do a field experience in a family consumer science at Jeffereson High school in Lafayette for 2 hours. Wednesday, I start the day at 11:30 ( 50 minutes), then Intro to family processes (50 minutes), and a lab for intro to educational technology for 2 hours. Thursday is also a pretty easy day for me because I only have one class, which is my favorite class, Exploring teaching as a career. However, that is my earliest at 7:30 for 2 hours; but recently I have been coming back and just taking a nap. Lastly, Friday is my busiest day with 4 classes (all 50 minutes.) I have psychology at 8:30, Math at 11:30, Intro to family processes, and Current issues in Human Development and Family Studies at 3:30. I hate being done so late in the day on Fridays but my teacher is really funny in that class so I’m really happy about that.
       So far, this college thing isn’t so bad and I absolutely love it. My floor in my dorm does a lot of activities as well. We just had a nail, movie, and henna night. I have also been to a lot of callout meetings for clubs like Big Brothers Big Sisters, softball intermural, and College Mentors For Kids. I love the atmoshphere here and the people just don’t care as much in high school. Everyone is grown up and mature enough to respect everyone else and you don’t have all the petty high school drama we used to have. So I can definatley say that I am very happy with this new change so far!

“The night is young, so are we,

Let’s just get to know each other slow and easily oh,

Take my hand, let’s hit the floor,

Shake our bodies to the music,

Maybe then you’ll score, oh oh.”

“We don’t have to take our clothes off” by Ella Eyre

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