Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Week 4 of college

         I am now in week 4 of the college experience and let me tell you.... shit why didn't I believe everyone when they said it was hard??? hahahahaha. everytime someone told me it was hard or that you have to do a lot of studying, I just kind of shrugged it off. Now I wouldn't say college is necessarily "hard" it is just very time consuming. I have around 9 hours of homework/studying a day and it is pretty tiring. However, I try to work really hard during the week so that friday and saturday I have free time to do what I want to do. One thing that makes the work not as bad though is the fact that I really enjoy my classes for the most part. My professors are extremely nice and actually have some pretty good humor and so it makes it a little easier to work with. As for the classes that I am not very fond of, like my educational technology class, I realize that I will need it in the future so it gives me some sort of motivation. It's not like high school where a lot of things you won't use again. 
         My college experience though hasn't been all work. I have done a lot of fun things while I am here as well. I visited a store called Vons that is actually really cool. It's a store with 3 parts to it. One part is a comic book/incents side and has some really cool henna materials. My floor did a henna night so I got some henna from there to use (: The second part is a jewelry and clothes part. And then the third part is ALL books. There are books everywhere!!!! There are so many books that they spill in the aisles and you can barley walk. So that's crazy and it was really fun to go and see. 
       Another thing that I have been doing is my floor did a Disney Murder Mystery night to wear we all dress up like disney characters and then figure out who killed the person who "died," all while jamming to disney music. I dressed up as Queen Elsa! So that was pretty cool and my floor is amazing. As well as that night, the whole week before we had a door decorating contest. Me and another girl came up with the idea on my floor so that we could make our hallway more decorative. So our hallway is an "Around the World" them so I drew out of a cup each persons country for their door and they had to decorate it based on their country. Me and my roommate got Saudi Arabia and then the night of the Murder Mystery we picked a winner. We didn't win but our whole floor really bonded that week working on our doors out in the hallway.
          This past weekend was probably the most fun weekend I have had so far. On friday, there was a free concert going on at the Elliott Hall of Music and Parachute came and played. I met some new friends and had a lot of fun listening to live music and dancing. Then on Saturday was the first Purdue home football game and our whole floor was going to it together. IT WAS SO FUN. I learned all about the different chants and enjoyed some really fun football. There is this thing where people jingle their keys at every kickoff and the people who don't have keys have to take off their shoes and jingle them and so I didn't have keys with me so I had to do that. hahaha i thought it was hilarious. But that was extremely fun and we all got starbucks after and sang hannah montana karaoke. 
        Today is my birthday so my family is coming up to take me out to dinner tonight. I woke up this morning to a lot of texts that made me very happy, and most importantly, I woke up to streamers all around my bed and basically everywhere in my room. My roommate had decorated my whole room. I am SOOOO blessed to have such an amazing roommate and I love her so much. She even got me a Purdue t-shirt for my birthday. She is seriously the best. I also woke up to be informed that I got the first "resident of the month" award for my floor. That was super neat! I guess you can say my birthday is going pretty damn well.
          There has been a lot of endless nights filled with TONS of homework but also some really fun and adventurous times with some pretty amazing people. I am very blessed and pleased with my life right now and I wouldn't wan to change any of it. (:

"And thought the road is long, i look up to the sky,

and in the dark I find, I lost hope that I won't fly,

And I sing along, I sing a long."

"Flashlight" by Jessie J

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