Monday, August 24, 2015

This needs to stop NOW

         Sometimes, I get this over powering feeling that I absolutely HATE being a part of this earth. Not because I'm mentally not okay, but because we (humans) are one of the most horrible species on this planet. Living things have actions that are most of the time done in order to survive. Animals and plants hurt other things and try and kill other things so that they have something to eat or make fuel on and that thing that you try and kill or eat on, is withering away one by one till eventually there is nothing left of it. And if we think about it, really think about it, we aren't so different from that. The actions that humans make are so cruel that it takes me awhile to even process it in my head.
         The words we say and the actions we take, always need to be thought about before we do it. We try to break people down in so many ways until that person is finally gone. We are intentionally killing one another, whether it's from the inside out or the outside in and nothing ever stops until that person is gone. And that is something that I am so disappointed in in our species. We just don't stop. We want to win a battle against another person just like animals and plants. It's awful the way we can just sit there and watch this take place. Those things that that person says or does to hurt the other person, they thrive off of it. That is where they get there energy and it's seriously sickening. Get another hobby and stop making others feel like shit. I don't care if that person is weird or has had past mistakes or is good at what they do, YOU HAVE NO REASON OR VALIDATION TO BULLY THEM AND MAKE THEM FEEL LIKE THEY ARE WORTHLESS. Because they are not. And whoever does this, should be ashamed of what they are doing. Wanting someone to hurt is awful and we all know how it feels so put an end to this. Stop being arrogant and selfish and get a life and stop trying to take one away.

"Cause I can take on so much more than I have every dreamed,

So beat down on me, beat down on me like a waterfall,

Cause baby I am ready to be free, Now I am invincible,

No I ain't a scared little girl no more, Yeah I am invincible."

"Invincible" by Kelly Clarkson

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