Sunday, September 20, 2015

Just One Big Story

              Thoughts have been constantly running through my mind lately. This past week hasn't been too good of a week for me. I've realized that life is just one big book. There is always a meaning behind a book and why it's a story. But for me, I am still trying to figure that out. I honestly don't think I will ever find it out. I mean isn't it true that you need an ending before you can find the whole purpose of that story? During this whole story you have these ups and downs that are brought upon the characters because what's life without a challenge? It's like these sudden plot twists. Somehow you need to be able to live the good times and get through the bad times or else you won't know the difference. So sure, things may be a little hard right now, but without those hard moments, you won't have those good moments. 
             A story is a permanent thing. It's made to be told and passed on. The things within it or the people within that story, aren't made to stay in every single story. The people in life are temporary because eventually they have to go to a better place or help someone else. Sure some people are in you're story longer than others. Some people could take up a paragraph of your story, or take up a chapter, and maybe some are just little scribbles on the side, but the best part is when you find those people that become a Title of a story within your story. It's like they're their own little book that you get to hold on to forever. And it's the best feeling to have. You've gotten the chance to hold on to someone else's story and pass it on. And the most amazing part is, you can figure out what their purpose is to YOU. Their theme that they want you to get out of their story.
           A story that I will always hold on to is my grandma. She gets her own chapter in my book and will always be more than just a scribble or more than just a paragraph. She's taught me everything I need to know in life. How to love somebody. How to be rich or how to be poor. How to know what's on someone else's mind just by looking at them. How to live like you are dying. She's taught me everything worth knowing. She has always been a strong believer in what happens, happens for a reason. And although things get really tough sometimes or people you were so close to suddenly are gone, knowing why they came into your life is important. They either influence something else to happen or are there for you when something else IS happening. 
            You're life is a story and you control everything and everyone in it. YOU have the pen in your hand. Life doesn't give you an eraser so use the pen wisely. And remember..... everything happens for a reason.

"And if you have a minute why don't we go,

Talk about it somewhere only we know,

This could be the end of everything,

So why don't we go, somewhere on we know?"

"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane

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