Saturday, August 1, 2015

Be The Not Normal

     I have just been in a ranting mood apparently because this is my second post in one night. It's night time and as always, my mind spins with things that I want to happen or do or change. But now I am really thinking about how much the experiences in our lives really change us and make us who we are. I mean if I were to have a disability, my life would be completely different. So it got me thinking about all the experiences I have had and I have this sudden urge to experience more because while I feel like I have experienced a lot, I still am unsatisfied. I want more. 
     I want to travel and see different cultures. And not just see these cultures but live these cultures that are so different than what I mine is. I want to learn the different foods that they are used to or realize how hard it is to be the one who sticks out from the crowd because they don't speak the same language. I want to put myself in the shoes of someone different. I want to try new things. 
      And as I think more about it, I wish when my parents asked me where we wanted to go for vacation, I wouldn't have said the typical "Florida" response because at the time I wanted to be like everyone else. But now I wish I would have picked somewhere that other's wouldn't have picked to go. I don't want to experience the same thing as another person because what's the point in that? It's already done. I wish I would have replied with "Haiti" or "Rome" or "Mexico." And I'm not talking the huge cities that everyone goes to visit and be a tourist. I mean go to the little cities and really see the culture. Something that we as people haven't changed to fit our "American" needs. It seems like everyone and everything is the same nowadays and to be honest, I don't like it. I want something different. I want to experience something different. Or read something different. I want to BE something different. I want to test my knowledge and gain a whole new perspective on things. So that's what this year is going to be. A change. A challenge. A new beginning. To learning new things, doing new things and experiencing all these different cultures that I don't even know about. I want to be more in tune to what is around me rather than what's on my phone. Because if we take a step back and really look at all of our surroundings, it's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

"And I never wanted anything from you,

Except everything you had and what was left after that too,

Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back,

Struck from a great height by someone,

Who should know better than that."

"Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machines

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