Saturday, August 1, 2015

Spread Happiness (:

           I have really been thinking recently on the happiness of myself and other people. Latley, I have just been witnessing a lot of hate between people that I know  and I have got to say, it kind of gives me anxiety a little. The fact that our generation is growing up with social media and school and texting. If you want to be mean to someone, you can find multiple ways to do it. 
          I'm not perfect, I'm sure I have made someone feel pretty crappy before but when I do, I realize it and I apologize because that is what my parents have taught me to do. I try to put myself in the other persons shoes because something I say, can be extremely hurtful to another person and I for one, don't want to hurt anyone no matter if I like that person or not. That's the thing that we all have to remember; that EVERYONE deserves to be happy. No matter what they have said to you or has done, or there race, or there gender, or views on matters. We ALL deserve happiness. If someone is mean to you, you have to remember that that person is probably going through something to make them lash out at you but there becomes a fine line between just being mean and bullying someone. It's not acceptable. Why do we want to make someone feel sad? That person could have so many things going on in there lives that they could do something to themselves and I'm sure that if you took a step back and thought "What if that person died tonight" would you feel guilty? I'm sure you would. 
           We have to remember what our jobs as people are. Is it our job to go around and make people feel like crap? No. We want to spread happiness and joy to others because I don't know about you, but I want to see more people happy and less people with personal problems. Even people with problems that aren't personal you can help just by giving them a compliment or by smiling at them and being nice. When you're nice to someone you feel good, rather then wasting all the energy to be rude to someone else and in the inside you feel bad. 
            I don't know, I know everyone is good on the inside and we all have kind hearts but can we all just try and be a little nicer to people? Make someone's day a little brighter. Go out of your way and do something special for someone. Spread kindness and laughter. And if you don't "like" a person or you don't like something they have done or said, ignore it. Don't associate with them. But DO NOT make them feel like crap and bring them down. Because that's a horrible feeling that everyone knows and I'm sure we all don't like. If you have done something like that to someone, go apologize. I'm sure that other person would feel a lot better. If you take anything out of this whole rant, just think before you speak and spread happiness not hate please and thank you(:

"He rocks in the tree tops all day long,

Hoppin and a-boppin and singing his song,

All the little birdies on Jaybird street, 

Love to hear the robin join tweet tweet tweet."

"Rockin' Robin" by Bobby Day

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