Monday, May 11, 2015


                  Graduation is in 3 weeeeeks !!!! I have been SO busy. I had prom which was absolutely amazing and  I've been working on figuring a lot of college stuff out. It's incredible how time flies. I feel like I just started high school and now i'm about to graduate here in 3 weeks. It's insane. I will definatley miss it a lot and especially the friends and teachers I have been blessed to get to know over. But even though one chapter is ending, I'm excited and nervous for what's to come.
                  At first, I didn't really know what I wanted to do at the beginning of the year. I had so many things that I liked and that I was passionate about so I figured that going to a community college in my town would work best for me. But as I started talking to more people about what I decided, I learned that I need to leave this town. Not because it's a horrible town or that I don't like it, but because I have been so focused on getting good grades and being told what to do all the time, that I needed to go out and experience life, tell myself what I want to do, and just learn more about myself. Also, seeing your friends leave will be hard and I feel like more problems will start up and continue if I stay here. People say that college is the best 4 years of their life and I don't want to spend one of them in my parents house and doing the same thing over and over again. So I have decided to go to Purdue University this fall and I'm really excited and nervous about it. I am doing random roomating too so I need to find someone that I connect with as well. Needless to say, I don't know what's to come but I know I am in for some ups and downs, but I feel like I can take on anything right now.(: I have some prom photos attached below !

"I say what's on my mind, I might do a little time

Cuz all of my kindness, is taken for weakness,

Now I'm four five seconds for wildin "

"Four Five Seconds" By Rihanna

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