Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My purposeful poem

I prefer to eat pickles on a Friday night at midnight.
I prefer to pick out my clothes three weeks in advance to the day I wear it.
I prefer to try and see the good in people even if it hurts me in the end.
I prefer to look deeper than what’s right in front of you.
I prefer to attempt to make a change rather than sit around and wait for change to happen.
I prefer to sing and act in random parks with no one around.
I prefer to hold my feelings inside and release them through theatre and art.
I prefer to bring people up rather than bring people down.
I prefer to go on adventures at random times of the day just to see what I find.
I prefer to listen rather than be quick to judge.
I prefer to be someone who stays than someone who walks away.
I prefer to do what makes ME happy.
I prefer to experience a life full of different mountains to climb rather a straight road.
I prefer to hold on rather than to give up.

I prefer to find purpose in the meaningless.

"And take extra care with strangers,
 even flowers have their dangers,
And though scary is exciting,
 nice is difference than good."

"I know things now" by Into the woods

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