Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Till the end of time

        Recently, I have been thinking a lot about college and my friends next year. I have a little more than two weeks left in high school and then I am off on my own. And i'm not going to lie... it terrifies me. I mean, how can I not be scared when I am introduced since I was little the same routine every day? Sure, new things happen, but I still know where I am supposed to be and when I will do my homework or when I will lay down to go to sleep. But now, I'm going off to college in a HUGE school, not knowing who I will become friends with, when I will go to sleep at night, how much homework or responsibilities I will have, etc. And that frightens me a little. But at the same time, it excites me. I will be able to learn more about myself and grow in different ways that I have never grown before. It will take me outside of my comfort zone. I'm trying not to stress too much about it right now, but its just been something on my mind lately. I'm about to end a chapter in my life and open a new one. Along with this whole college thing, something that's been on my mind is friends. 
         Friends are people that get you through the day. They help you through every hurdle that you face and laugh with you when you feel on top of the world. Sure, you have those friends that you thought were somebody but they turn out to only hurt you in the end, but towards the end of high school, you learn who you your true friends are. My best friend is a junior, so I am going to have to leave her behind this coming fall when I attend Purdue. It makes me SO sad. 
         Me and this girl have been through almost everything that you could imagine together, good and bad. And although we have had some ups and downs, we know that at the end of the day, the only person that can cheer us up or really be there for you is that other person. We bicker all the time, but that's what best friends do. However, I wouldn't even call her my best friend. She is more like a sister. I call her at every hour of the day and we can spend ours talking about something so stupid and only funny to us, or we can talk each other out of bad situations. Truly, she is the only person that I can count on or to just understand. And that's also why I am honestly petrified for college. I won't be around this girl every second of every day. I can't always help her when she needs me and vice versa. Or talk about the cute college guys I am sure to see walking around campus. But even though I will not always be able to hop in the car and be at her house in 15 minutes, I will ALWAYS be there for her and let her know that she deserves every piece of happiness in this world, whether she believes it or not. I don't know what I would ever do without her. She will be my best friend until "death do us apart" as she would say. 
Love, your beebs.

"Sometimes it all gets a little too much,

But you got to realize that soon the fog will clear up,

And you don't have to be afraid because we're all the same,

And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much."

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