Monday, July 6, 2015

Every blonde needs a brunette

              This post is an appreciation post because I think a lot of times, we take for granted the things that are right in front of us. I have this best friend, and she knows who she is, but this post is what I have learned from her. First of all, this girl is one of the kindest, most loving, hilarious, person I know. She is one of those people that when you first meet, you just know you will be best friends with the person. Not only because you have this immediate connection with that person, but because she makes you see something in yourself that you didn't see without that person. This girl has had the biggest influence in my life. She is a year younger and I feel like she knows wayyyyyy more things than I do.... which honestly she probably does. But she has been there for me more times than I count. i can't even imagine where I would be right now without her as my best friend. my sister. the brunette to my blonde. my beebs. the peanut butter to my jelly.... okay that was a little much. 
           But seriously, she has always been there for me even when I probably have given her countless mistakes to where she could drop my ass if she wanted to. But she doesn't and she is there for me even when we bicker 24/7 about stupid things like dropping/picking up guys to hang out. it always ends with a "sorry I'm on my period" or a silent stare from me for probably an hour because I'm moody. She has been through more crap in her 17 years than I have seen people who are 80. No matter what she has been through though, somehow she comes out of it. Somehow she pulls herself together. it's the most sad but amazing thing to watch. how someone could be so low in there life and then pull themselves out of that spot again and again. When she has every reason to be sad or upset, she chooses the alternative to be happy rather than sad. THAT'S what has kept me going. She is the strongest person I have truly ever met. The list of things I have learned from her is endless; simple or complex.
            She has taught me how to suck it up and get on with your life because you can't be sad all the time. Every day is a new beginning and you can choose being sad or happy. No one controls your emotions. She has shown me that sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. Even if something embarrassing or bad happens to you, you can laugh it off because shit happens. She has taught me that whatever your dreams, crazy or realistic, shoot for them because if you don't, you have nothing else to live for. 
            She's even showed me the little, silly things like contouring your face makes you have more dimension or how to look in the mirror and spot something you like about yourself so you can take a good photo. She has shown me the right selfie camera angles to make yourself look good and how to cook an omelet. 
           Lastly, and most importantly, she has shown me wild adventures that I hope we have until we die. We have done the craziest shit imaginable and i even  look back now sometimes and wonder what the hell we were thinking. but it's us. and we do crazy things. if we didn't, we wouldn't be the same. This senior year has been crazy with her. We've been on a roller coaster that I hope we ride for the rest of our life. because without it, we wouldn't have learned the things we did and we get closer with every broken track we face. and this is the first time i can honestly say that I wouldn't have it any other way. Even though we probably are bat shit crazy to some people. it's us. 
          I have the confidence and determination that we will get through anything that life throws at us. because we have each other. and that's one thing that nobody can take away from us no matter how hard they try. as long as we remember that "it only goes up from here" and that "we are fighters and things will get brighter. I love you. Forever and always, "till death do us apart" 

"I've got needs, just like you, and if the conversations good

vibrations through and through, so come on baby won't you show some class,

why'd you have to move so fast,

we don't have to take our clothes off to have a good time."

"we don't have to take our clothes off" by Ella Eyre

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