Friday, July 24, 2015

Here's To A New Beginning

        Since I'm done with high school now and moving on to college, I think it would make sense to write about that transition. That transition is probably one of the biggest and maybe the most difficult one you have. In high school, you are told what to do at every given time, you live at home, many have a bed time as to when they have to go to bed, you have a plan that works around your schedule as to when you will study, ect. You have a daily routine that you have been used to since basically preschool; and now, you're moving up and going to college where there is no routine made and you have to make it yourself.
       I have to admit, I am a little nervous about going to college for those reasons. I really want to do well and my anxiety is through the roof with how I will study and things. I know that I will be fine once I get there, it's just the waiting part that's hard right now. 
       A couple weeks ago I finally got my roommate which I was FREAKING OUT about because it was at random and I really wanted a good connection with this person. So I got a text from her the day it was released and I have to say, I am really happy with it. She seems super nice and sweet and we have a good connection already. I haven't met her yet, but I can definatley tell that it is off to a good start and we will be spending a lot of time together which I am VERY excited about. 
      I'm really looking forward to this year and I want to start off on a good start. And I am extremely ready for that new beginning. I want to let my past behind, especially with the problems I have faced, and just start fresh. One thing that I absolutely love doing is writing in a new journal. That first page where it's just a new start and that's exactly what I will be doing come August 17th. So may college bring new friends, crazy adventures, academic achievements, opportunities, and making a change. 

"This is my fight song, take back my life song,

prove i'm alright song, my powers turned on,

starting right now I'll be strong, I'll play my fight song,

And I don't really care if nobody else believes,

Cause I still got a lot of fight left in me."

"Fight Song" by Rachel Platten

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