Friday, June 12, 2015

Graduation Commencement

       So this week has been pretty hectic for me! Tuesday we had our Graduation Commencement which was bitter sweet for me. I was sad that it was the last time to be with my class as a whole and that I had to say goodbye to some people that I won't see for a while. But I was also just relieved that I graduated and didn't have any more unnecessary work to do. So it was a very bitter sweet day but full of laughter and memories. 
      Another thing that happened was yesterday, I received an offer to go to Speech Nationals which is amazing. It is something that you always work towards and want to go to. So I fly out tomorrow right after my open house and get on a plane to Dallas, Texas! I'm terrified of planes and I am only riding with a friend so it should definatley be interesting that's for sure. But I am super pumped and I don't get back till the next saturday. Definatley a trip that I will never forget. 

"If you ain't there, ain't nobody else to impress,

the way that you know what I thought you knew,

It's the beat my heart skips when I'm with you, 

But I still don't understand

Just how your love can do what no one else can."

"Crazy In Love" By Beyonce

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