Monday, June 8, 2015

Last day of high school

            Last Wednesday, I finished my last day of high school. Wow... I can't believe I just said that. It's crazy to think that tomorrow I will be walking up on that stage and receiving my diploma. Once I take that diploma, everything changes. I become an adult who is going off to college to finally pursue what I want to be in life. Which is awesome and terrifying all at the same time.
            The last day of school, was kind of mixed emotions for me. I was happy to finally move on and know that the next thing I will study actually helps me receive my goal.. and I was just happy that it is summer and I get a break from all that. But I was also sad because I'm leaving all these people that have always been around me and going through the same things as I was. Each one of those people touched me in some way and without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. I also have become SO close with my teachers this year. I've gotten to know them more as a friend than as a teacher and creating relationships with them really helped me get the help I needed when I needed it and just know that I have an amazing support team. Those teachers helped me through every obstacle that I faced and without a doubt stood beside me when no one else did. I am SO SO SO thankful for them and I'm not sure where I would be or if I would even be here without them. They came into my life at just the right moment. I hope to stay in touch with all of these amazing teachers and if I can turn out to be a teacher like them, then I have achieved my goal because they are all truly amazing and inspiring.

"Cause underneath the darkness, there's a light thats trying so hard to be seen,

And I know this cause i've noticed, a little bit shining through the seams,

And if this is what it takes, let me be the one to bear the pain,

Oh if this is what it takes, I'll break down these walls that are in our way"

"This is what it takes" by Shawn Mendes

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