Friday, June 2, 2017

3 Weeks Post Op

      Wow guys. Has this experience been rough. I think in the beginning I knew what I was getting into, but it could not prepare me for this. The pain hasn't been too bad, pretty manageable. But I've been very uncomfortable and super restless. I can't sleep. It's a hard time and it's hard to see your friends out having fun while you are sitting on the couch watching TV. I'm worried as well about this upcoming semester at Purdue. I'm not sure when I will be able to start working at the Preschool, but I need to earn money for books in the fall. So you can say I've been a little stressed out lately.
      I started Physical Therapy this week. I go twice a week. This will be the hardest part of my recovery. I'm very nervous about the long road ahead and I'm praying it won't be too painful. Last Tuesday they set my brace at 45 degrees to start the bending process. This week that's exactly what we worked on, with some added ankle exercises and electrodes with ice. In the two times I went this week, my therapist finally got it bent to 45 without too much pain and discomfort. That was our goal mark for next Friday so I hit it a week early. Of course I asked if we could just keep going but we can't go farther until around four weeks. So this next week will just be getting me more comfortable with bending it and bending it by myself. It's not a huge step, but man it's something.
       Hopefully these next couple week won't be too painful and I really hope I can sleep better. I still have a really long road ahead, but little by little, it's getting there. Hopefully time will pass a little faster now that I'm in therapy.

"I gave all my oxygen to people that could breathe,

I gave away my money and now we don't even speak,

I drove for miles and miles but would you do the same for me?

Oh honestly?"

"Save Myself" By Ed Sheeran

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