Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Going With The Flow

             This weekend was one of the most amazing weekends I've had in awhile. Something about this weekend just showed me how freaking awesome college is and how lucky I am to have these amazing people in my life. I know maybe I say that often on here, but to me, I don't think I say it as often as I should. I love my friends and memories that I have made this year, and this weekend is towards the top of the list.
           Friday was wonderful in itself. It was a regular Friday with 7:08 except this time, our skit team performed. Skit team is a team that does performances about the Bible using no words and with a lot of acting and lifts. Our performance  Friday was basically Jesus's birth from when he was born to when he died to when he rose alive. It's a really beautiful skit. After practicing for a little, we all went to dinner before 7:08. It's always really fun with this group and I learned a new game using an apple and some forks. Kinda scary.... hahaha. Anyway, on the way back to where our performance would take place, we saw a candlelit vigil on the steps of one of Purdue's buildings. Our whole skit team stopped to listen. It was for 3 muslim students in Fort Wayne who were shot execution style because of their religion. I thanked it just shocked all of us that it happened so close. This was a reminder that these kinds of things don't just happen in 3rd world countries. The whole skit team prayed for these 3 guys and their families. Even a women who said she wasn't Christian circled with us and prayed. It was amazing. I learned 2 important lessons out of this. The first is the respect of other religions. Sure, we hear it all the time, but today I witnessed that respect. The respect that people need to have more often. Even though the skit team is a Christian group, it didn't matter. We circled and prayed anyway. The second thing was how important it is to lead an interrupted life. I learned this in INDYCC when Mike Donehey spoke, but until Friday, I didn't REALLY know it. We could have just skipped the vigil and went to our performance on time, but instead, we went and if we wouldn't have, we would have missed out on that amazing moment. Our performance ended up going really well and the 7:08 speaker did an amazing talk over shame. One of my favorites.
           Saturday was another really good day!!! IT WAS OUR FLOOR SKI TRIP!!! AHHHH. I had been waiting for this for almost 3 weeks!! A group of about 16 of us all went about 2 and a 1/2 hours away to a place called Perfect North Slopes. The place was really nice and full of some pretty good slopes, at least I would say as a beginner who has only skied once before. When we got there we checked in and got our boots and skis (lemme tell you, walking in those skis is a workout in itself). Ski lessons begin every top of the hour so we walked up to the bunny slope. Me and two other of my friends went and looked at the hill. After looking at it, we just said "screw it" and went for it. It wasn't bad. However, now we were down at the bottom of the hill and seeing all these ski lifts, which probably wasn't that good of an idea because we just kind of hopped on one. When we got up to the hill we realized it was a little steeper than we planned. But that didn't stop us. My friend says, "see you at the bottom" and down we went. It was the most fearful yet exciting thing I have ever done. I totally almost wiped out because I went straight down instead of turning and maybe bloodcurdling screaming as we went down??? But whatever haha. Then off to the side, we see our whole group cheering for us. I think if we hadn't done this, there would be no way I would have went on some of the harder ones. So I definitely just learned to go with the flow on Saturday and face my fears.
          Sunday was another really good day. It was basically a day full of church. I really like the church that I go to in West Lafayette. It's filled with the nicest people and the coolest pastures. Overtime I go, I can count on having a good time and learning SO much. And I get to go with one of my best friends which is always awesome! I went to the church service at 11:15 and at the service we learned a lot about generosity and contentment which opened my eyes a lot to what's around me. I go home this weekend for spring break and I am not going home to the house I originally would. My parents moved while I have been away and I hate going back to a house that I don't know yet, but that service kind of made me realize that at least I have a house and a place to sleep, even if I don't like moving. Later sunday night, I went back to the same church with my bestie and went to a thing called Vision Night which was also really well. They talked a lot about the church and how far they have come. It's seriously amazing. They've had 400 baptisms in 2 years and are now opening up a church in Florida and just opened one in Muncie, IN. It was just really cool to see how they were used as the hands and feet of God and was led through Him. 
           Overall, this weekend was seriously amazing. I got closer to many people and learned so many new important life lessons. I am now looking forward to Spring Break next weekend where I will be going to New York with some of my friends!! 

"I wished you the best of, all this world could give,

And I told you when you left me, there's nothing to forgive,

But I never thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was,

Heartbreak and misery, it's hard for me to say,

I'm jealous of the way, you're happy without me."

"Jealous" by Labrinth

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