Sunday, January 3, 2016

INDYCC 2015/16

           This week was a week was an amazing week that I have been looking forward to. Not because I was going to be out of the house for a week during break (I mean yes, that was good) but because, if you remember my Fall Retreat blog post from earlier this year, I knew that that had been one of the best times of my life and this event was just like that, except even bigger (which I couldn't even imagine). This event was another thing through Cru. It's called INDYCC and it's basically a huge convention where we praise the Lord and learn even more about Him while staying in downtown Indy at the JW Marriott from the 28th-1st. My goal going in to this conference was just wanting God to empty me of me and fill myself with Him. Meaning, I wanted God to empty me of all bad things or things that grow my relationship award from Him instead of towards Him and just fill myself with only the characteristics of Him. As well as super excited, I was also really nervous going into the convention because I didn't know too many Cru people that were going besides like 3. Before this, I had kind of stayed within my own Cru "group."
           Throughout the whole week, the main thing we did was these things called "Main Sessions." They were where all 1700 of us crowded in to a convention center and listen for like 3 hours to some speakers and watched some fun videos. It was SO fun because the energy was unlike anything. It really was like fall retreat except of steroids. They weren't joking. The atmosphere was amazing and you could feel the love everywhere you went. At all times, people weren't just singing the lyrics of the songs or praying just to pray, they truly meant what they sang or what they prayed. It was unreal. There were 8 Main Sessions and I loved everyone one of them. I'm going to list the people who talked and briefly summarize what they talked about, but if you ever want to know more, just let me know cuz I've learned ways more than what's on here.
-- Beth Gukenberger: First of all she has 10 kids which blew me away. It doesn't really have much to do with what she talked about but I just thought that was amazing haha. She talked about faithfulness and availability, facts vs. relationship, and a medical miracle of one of her sons (which was truly an AMAZING story).
-- Rob Murray: He talked a lot about how even though it feels like we are so small in Gods eyes, everything we do is a part of something bigger and that we really do matter. He also briefly talked about the resting part of when something bad happens to us.
-- LeAnn Willis: She talked about not be distracted and always focusing on God only, that God can do anything and that we need to put our faith in Him when we are fearful. She also showed this really cool video that is a part of the movie "Facing the Giants" and put an analogy between that and God.
-- Bacho Bordjadze: This guy talked mostly about Heaven and the link between Heaven and earth.
-- Ryan Berg: Ryan talked about the idolization aspect of our lives and how we idolize things and people instead of God. He also touched on the symoblism of trees and gardens in the Bible, which I thought was kind of interesting.
-- Brad Jones: He talked mainly about what happens when we loose sight of the cross, how the relationship with God is what matters most, the symbolism of the cross, sin, and the way we see ourselves vs. how God sees us.
-- Mike Donehey: Really focuses on the aspect of leading an interrupted life, living for God, and that it's okay if you don't know what's next in your life.
-- Tyler Reagin: He focused on the process of your life vs. the destination, the 7 things to prepare you for tomorrow, and the step by step process of how to follow your faith.
-- Jamie George: This guy was my favorite. He just spat truth out in all directions. He talked about suffering vs. happiness, vulnerability, the word "faith," sin, how we are wired by God, and working on yourself. He was a phenomenal speaker.

          All these speakers were absolutely amazing. The amount of things I learned from these people to use during my life and relationship with God is incredible. However, even though I loved these speakers, I think my two favorite days were the "Day of Outreach" and New Years Eve. I will start with the Day of Outreach. 
          The Day of Outreach was a day where each campus at INDYCC goes to a different church in Indy to help out because they usually need help and are a little bit lower income.Purdue went to Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church in Indy. They were an awesome community in the church but just need help with the people around the area to turn towards Christ. So that was our job as well as give them care packages to help them with food. We split into groups of 4 or 5 (ours was 5) and went out to the neighborhood to spread the Gospel. This scared me to death. My anxiety was like a 100. Haha but I knew it would be a step in my faith and I knew that God would protect me as I become the feet and hands for Him. We had 2 hours to talk to people. Throughout those 2 hours, we talked to 4 people. One person we met seemed not very interested and looked down on us almost. I knew she was one we should work on the most but I think she may have been under the influence of some things so we didn't stay too long. Another person we met was a war veternan which was extremely sad to see because he was living in such a torn up house (as was everyone) and he fought for our country. It was so sad. I also think he may of had a stroke or a seizure because he couldn't talk really well. But  we talked to him for like a half hour and he told us that he goes to church with his brother. When we talked to the first lady, two people from my group went to a different house and they actually talked with them for a while and got them to accept Christ into their lives. WHICH IS AMAZING AND I WISH I WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!! AHHHH. Amazing. 
             The last of the guys we talked to was a man who was walking on the street and he seemed cold and hungry. But little did I know was that this man would have such an impact on me. He was homeless I'm pretty sure but he informed us that he goes to church every sunday. Let me repeat that, he goes to church every sunday. This man is homeless and he still puts God as his top priority. That literally brings tears to my eyes. We talked to this man for like 45 minutes in the cold. After going back to the church, many others also shared that they got some people to receive Christ and by seeing that and talking to that man, I've realized that not only my goal of emptying my of me and filling myself with God was achieved but that that is exactly what happened with those other people. We emptied them of Satan or whatever was holding them back from the Lord and filling it with Him. I can't even explain the feeling I get from that. It's amazing.
            Lastly, the last day was the New Years Eve bash. We had stuff all day and then night came and the party was 90's themed. So we all dressed up in our 90's clothing and danced the night away in the ballroom, listening to 90's songs, with all of my friends that I have grow SO close to over that week. Then at 11 we all crowded back into the convention center and prayed for an hour over world issues, our countries issues, problems in our community, our state, and even our friends or personal lives. After that I look up and it's counting down from ten and I got to be with all of these amazing people and most importantly God himself when the ball dropped. It was spectacular. Then we stayed up till 2a.m singing worship songs. Let me tell you, my past New Years always involved drinking and partying in a completely different way and I thought that I had so much fun doing it, but I can tell you that this was by FAR the best New Years Eve and week I've ever had. I cannot wait till next year. Now it's time to apply what I've learned to my life!!! 

"Make lots of noise, kiss lots of boys, or kiss lots of girls,

If that's something you're into, when the straight and narrow,

Gets a little too straight, roll up a joint or don't,

Just follow your arrow, wherever it points."

"Follow Your Arrow" By Kacey Musgraves

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