Sunday, August 28, 2016

Update on Life and my Sketchbook (:

           I was thinking recently about my blog and how far I have come in a year and a half since I made this. It's crazy to me. I did a lot this summer that has always been things I have wanted to do. I went to Honduras and saw my best friend get married in Pennsylvania. I visited Washington D.C. and went to the Mayo Clinic for another chest surgery. My summer was a very high moment 
moment for me. I feel like I really grew this summer and hope to only continue that growth this school year.
Classes started last week so I thought i'd give a brief little update about my new college year. I am now starting my Sophomore year. This will be my first year in Elementary Education as I was in FACS Education last year. The class load is a lot right now. I have had a ton of homework over this past week, but I'm hoping it dies down a little here soon. My classes are a lot more interesting this year, but there is a lot of busy work to be done. Cru (a Christian youth group here at Purdue) has also started back up now and I have been crazy involved trying to get people to attend small groups and attending different events. It's a nice relief though. My room has finally gotten set up to the way me and my roommate want it, so now it's a little nicer to come home to a nice living area. I've been missing my best friend from last year a ton this past week as I'm trying to readjust to another floor with a different feeling to it. We still talk almost everyday, but I never thought I could miss a best friend as much as I do right now. However, I am so happy for her and her persistence to be the best she can be in a new place. 
       In honor of this coming school year, I wanted to talk a little about my sketchbook. This week, I got asked from a teacher to bring in the thing that means the most to me. I brought in two things. A pillow I received from my best friend and a sketchbook I've had for a long time. This sketchbook is everything to me. I started it my junior year of high school in an AP Photography class. It started out as something that was just a school assignment that my teacher wanted us to do. But man, it turned into something so much more. This sketchbook is my happiness, my fears, my thoughts, my future. It includes everything about me. I don't even know where I would be without this thing. It's an item I just put my heart into. However, this year it kind of evolved into something a little more than even that. This year I realized how much time I spend thinking about other people, which is an amazing thing. I love figuring out the puzzle of someone else and why they think the way they do or do the things they do. I could spend hours looking at someones room to figure out why that person put up the things on there walls. I believe there is a meaning behind every single thing we do and say. So I would question people. All this time I was doing this, I realized this summer that I was questioning every other person but myself. I didn't know why I was doing half the things I was doing.... or maybe I just hadn't found it out yet. I didn't question why the people or the things I loved the most were important to me. So this year, I want to begin questioning myself and really challenging myself and asking myself "why?" By doing this, I believe that my sketchbook will evolve into a whole other level. So wish me luck on this road to self-dsicovery, trying to manage my work load, really putting my all into Cru, and praying that I can feel at peace without my best friend here by my side. 

PS: I have also signed up for Americas Got Talent November 12 in Chicago. SO wish me luck with that too!!! I really have been liking the song I put below.

"Every little thing she does is magic,

Every she do just turns me on,

Even though my life before was tragic,

Now I know my love for her goes on."

"Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" By Sleeping and Last